Edmonton River Designs

We design and release images that captured a dimension of Edmonton's multifaceted identity.

These include the Face of Edmonton which in 2024 was co-created as “Beaver in Bough” in consultation with local Elders and Knowledge Keepers .

From a distance an “e” is seen to be encircled by a red willow bough. These are used to form Sweat Lodges, and its seven leaves reflect the Sacred Teachings of Indigenous Peoples: Love, Respect, Honesty, Wisdom, Courage, Humility, and Truth, as represented by the Eagle, Buffalo, Giant, Beaver, Bear, Wolf, and Turtle, respectively.

The North Saskatchewan River transects the “e” and formed a verdant valley as the glaciers receded. This gave Indigenous Peoples an ancestral route for millennia and remains a gathering place for Edmontonians and visitors. 

As perceived by Lewis Cardinal, the "Open E" is also an incomplete circle that invites others to be a "part of it", as in the teaching "There's always room for you in the circle" or "You're welcome here, there's room.”

A beaver can be seen in the “e” shape. Its backbone is formed of the Cree syllabics that mean Beaver Hills House. This is the traditional name for this area, and leads to the ear, eye, nostrils and incisors on the top right. The four sets of three dots represent claws extending from the limbs, which are positioned on an arch representing a beaver hill.

The word Edmonton is written on the beaver tail and curls under the body with the first leaf bridging the two worlds.

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The images we create are available to be used freely via a Creative Commons License.

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